In the lineage of potters, handmade, eco-friendly pottery is a big chapter in the thousand-year-old folk cultural tradition of Bengalis. ‘Lee Bangla’ cares about the tradition of pottery of this folk culture of tradition. That is why the terracotta utensils made by the potters of Bangladesh are made popular among the people of the country and all over the world through marketing and sale; Lee Bangla’s initiative is to bring economic prosperity to the people of this traditional profession. ‘Lee’ is a letter of our vowel alphabet, which is lost in inappropriate use. Just as much of our culture is being lost little by the little every day due to careless negligence, so too is pottery on the way to being lost. That is why we have added Lee to our identify with utmost care like terracotta utensils and artefacts made by the potters of Bangladesh. In an effort to revive an eco-friendly folklore heritage, Lee Bangla is assisting potters in marketing and selling this traditional art as well as increasing the usability and engineering development of new designs and utensils as per the needs of the buyers. In addition to improving the quality of life of potters, Lee Bangla’s dream is to create a foreign market for terracotta or terracotta wares. Lee Bangla offers quality services to deliver quality, eco-friendly, practical utility, traditional earthenware terracotta utensils and industrial materials at a reasonable price to the buyers. Besides, ‘Lee Bangla’ combines
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